Test & Sample tubes
Test and sample tubes
For each application an optimal sample tube. Optimized for the respective requirements of the application. Hilgenberg manufactures high- quality samples and test tubes made of glass.
Several dimensions, glass types and designs are available. Also individual design test tubes are possible for finding the best fitting solution for your application.
Please read the further pages for special categories of tubes. |
Tubes for microanalysis
We offer a suitable solution especially for the keeping and handling of small samples. Tubes for microanalysis are round bottom glasses with a partition inside. The moulded rim guarantees a tight fitting of the matching stopper. Alternatively, the tubes can be produced with flanges instead of stopper beds.
The partition in the upper part of the tube seals the actual sample chamber with the consequence that the volume of the chamber is rather small. Nevertheless, with the long body of the tube, handling will be easy. We offer tubes for microanalysis in transparent glass and amber glass for specimens sensitive to light.
Tubes for microanalysis are made of high-quality soda glass and with diameters of 5 - 7 mm with a handy length of 80 mm.
Of cause, we also offer the matching stoppers for the sealing of the tubes. |
Melting - and boiling point tubes
We offer a wide range of melting - and boiling point tubes, including different glass qualities for specific temperatures, sizes and types. These tubes are used for the manual or automatic determination of the melting or boiling point of liquids and solids. For this purpose, samples are heated slowly in the tubes, until they have reached their melting respectively boiling point
Glass qualities
¤ý Soda glass ( standard )
¤ý Borosilicate gla
¤ý Quartz glas
End treatment
¤ý both sides open
¤ý Quartz glas
¤ý Both sides sealed
¤ý curved shape
¤ý Length 50 - 300 mm
¤ý Outside-¨ª 0.6 - 2 mm
¤ý Inside-¨ª 0.3 - 1.6 mm
U-tubes for melting point determination procedures
Beside our basic version of melting point determination tubes, we also manufacture special U- shaped tubes made of soda lime glass. Both sides of the U- shaped tubes are unequally long.
Alternative, a small funnel can befeatured on one side and if required on the other side as well. |
Test-tubes and centrifuge glasses
We offer test-tubes and centrifuge tubes in standard sizes and with special measurements and designs in soda glass, borosilicate glass, neutral glass and quartz glass, alternatively with or without flange. All glasses have a fire - polished rim and can be produced alternatively with round, plane or tapered bottom.
In the production we are able to process glasses with diameters of up to 40 mm and with lengths of up to approximately 500 mm, even with thick walls.
We are in a position to produce micro test tubes similar to round bottom glasses, that is, in very small sizes. For example round bottom glasses from soda glass with a diameter of 3 mm, a length of 200 mm and a fire-polished rim.
Micro test tubes and micro sample tubes
To handle and store small sample quantities, small tubes are essential. According to these requirements, we lately expanded our manufacturing capacities. To that effect, these kinds of customer fulfilments are our challenge. For example, tubes with a diameter of 3 mm and a length of 20 mm are realisable now. |