
Thin-walled glass tubes

Soda-lime glass (AR, I860, PH360 etc.)
Gamma sterilized soda-lime glass
Borosilicate glass (DURANⓒ, PYREXⓒ, SIMAXⓒ etc.)
Neutral glass (FIOLAXⓒ and DUROBAXⓒ)
Aluminum silicate glass (Schott 8252/8253)
Quartz glass (naturally melted quartz glass and synthetically produced quartz glass, incl. F300)
Lead glass (lead content up to 28%)
Sealing glasses for various metals such as: kovar, molybdenum, steel, silver, platinum, palladium

Length: 3,0 - 1000 mm
Ø: 0,5 - 8 mm
Wall-thickness: 0,02 - 0,3 mm

low absorption of radiation
low optical distortion
very low weight of the components
easy to process via laser (cut to length, cut in half, outline-cut)
mechanically flexible, easily deformed
Thumbnail Catalog Description Packaging Specification
Custom requests Custom requests Custom requests [파일참조] Capillary and Rod profiles (Custom requests)
1470263 1409364 1409363 1409346 1409365 1409366 1471153 Thin walled glass tubes made of borosilicate glass 3.3 • packaging unit (PU): 25 pieces • minimum order quantity: 25 pieces [그림참조] Thin walled glass tubes made of borosilicate glass 3.3, Single, circular
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FAX 02-575-7472 E-mail : syc@sycos.co.kr


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